FSI Excellence Awards

October 3, 2011BFSB News, Industry News

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) has announced that the process for its [annual awards programme](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/news.php?cmd=view&id=3056&pre=y) is well underway. Friday, October 7th, is the deadline for nominations in a number … Read More

Bahamas TIEA Network Now at 27

August 15, 2011International Issues, Tax Co-operation

On August 8, The Bahamas signed TIEAs with [Guernsey](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/international/016986000.pdf) and [Aruba](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/international/060361900.pdf), bringing the total number in its TIEA network to 27. The agreements were signed by the Acting Prime Minister … Read More