OECD Releases Reports on Automatic Exchange and Tax Confidentiality

July 24, 2012Industry News, International Issues, Tax Co-operation

Furthering its efforts to strengthen international tax co-operation, the OECD has issued two new [reports](http://www.oecd.org/ctp/exchangeofinformation/improvinginternationaltaxco-operationoecdreleasesreportsonautomaticexchangeandtaxconfidentiality.htm) on automatic exchange and tax confidentiality. The report on automatic exchange of information describes what … Read More

New BICA President

July 2, 2012Industry News

Jasmine Davis, Vice-President of Patient Finance at Doctors Hospital Health Systems (DHHS) is the new [BICA](http://www.bica.bs) President for 2012-2013. The Institute also unveiled its other new Council Members at its … Read More

Tackling Tax Evasion

June 19, 2012Industry News, International Issues

Steady progress is being made towards tackling tax evasion more effectively, according to reports presented to G20 leaders at their summit in Los Cabos, Mexico today. A [report](http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/19/8/50630814.pdf) by the … Read More