G-20 Concludes Pittsburgh Summit

September 25, 2009International Issues

G-20 Leaders meeting in Pittsburgh September 24-25 have concluded their deliberations and released a [communiqué](http://www.pittsburghsummit.gov/mediacenter/129639.htm), pledging to adopt the policies needed to lay the foundation for strong, sustained and balanced … Read More

Student of the Year – Nominee Profile

September 23, 2009BFSB News

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) recently announced the finalists for its annual [Financial Services Student of the Year](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/news.php?cmd=view&id=2846&pre=y) award. These are students from the 2009 Graduating Class of the … Read More

BISX Marks 10th Anniversary

September 23, 2009BISX, Industry News

The [Bahamas International Securities Exchange](http://www.bisxbahamas.com) (BISX) celebrated its 10th year anniversary today. BISX was incorporated on September 23rd, 1999 with the aim of bringing a regulated and internationally recognized Securities … Read More