Labour Force Survey

August 17, 2015Business, Industry News, The Economy

The Department of Statistics today released the results of its [Labour Force Survey](, conducted in May of this year in conjunjction with the Household Income Survey. The survey covered a … Read More

OECD: Further Steps on Offshore Tax Evasion

August 7, 2015Industry News, International Issues, Tax Co-operation

The OECD [today released]( three new reports to help jurisdictions and financial institutions implement the global Standard for automatic exchange of financial account information. * [Common Reporting Standard Implementation Handbook]( … Read More

Business Licence Online

July 27, 2015Business, Industry News

The Department of Inland Revenue has announced the introduction of its new online application for Business Licences, scheduled to go live on August 4th, 2015. The Online Tax Administration System … Read More