WTO Trade Dialogues

May 30, 2016Business, International Issues

*Business leaders call for WTO to address pressing business issues* A Trade Dialogues event at WTO Headquarters today brought together over 60 business leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities … Read More

Conclusions: EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Proposals

May 25, 2016Industry News, International Issues, Tax Co-operation

The EU Council has adopted [conclusions](http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2016/05/25-conclusions-tax-treaty-abuse/?utm_source=DSMS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Tax+abuse+treaty&utm_term=952.5049.5361.0.5049&utm_content=all+customers) on the third country aspects of the Commission’s anti-tax-avoidance proposals – confirming the importance of continuing and intensifying action to tackle tax fraud, tax … Read More