International Intermediaries Meet in Nassau

April 7, 2003BFSB News

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) recently launched an initiative that complements the work of Bahamian practitioners who interact with intermediaries and other opinion leaders regarding the financial services industry … Read More

Taxation of Savings Income

March 30, 2003International Issues

**Memorandum of Understanding** OECD Member States that also are EU Member States, together with Switzerland, apparently have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding, exempting Switzerland from cooperation on exchange of information … Read More

International Trusts Forum

March 30, 2003BFSB News

**Enhancing Wealth Management Opportunities** The Institute for International Research (IIR) will host its Thirteenth Annual International Trusts Forum in Nassau, June 11-13, in partnership with the Bahamas Financial Services Board … Read More

IRS Amnesty

March 20, 2003International Issues

The Internal Revenue Service’s “amnesty” programme on so-called abusive tax avoidance schemes will not extend to promoters of such arrangements. The IRS has said that US taxpayers hiding income by … Read More