Central Bank Reduces Discount Rate

June 8, 2011The Economy

On Monday, The[ Central Bank of The Bahamas](http://www.centralbankbahamas.com) announced its decision to reduce the Discount Rate by 75 basis points to 4.50 percent, effective immediately. The Regulator noted that it … Read More

EOI Portal

June 1, 2011International Issues, Tax Co-operation

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has created a new “Exchange of Tax Information” [Portal](http://eoi-tax.org/). The Global Forum conducts peer reviews of its member … Read More

National Budget Communication

May 26, 2011The Economy

Presenting the 2011/2012 National Budget [Communication](http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/bahamasweb2/home.nsf/vContentW/54123198ACE4FD558525789B005155BB/$FILE/BUDGET%20COMMUNICATION%202011-12.pdf) to Parliament yesterday, Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. H.A. Ingraham pointed to the fact that by such mechanisms governments translate their vision of the … Read More