Global Forum on Taxation

May 16, 2004International Issues

The Washington, DC-based Center for Freedom and Prosperity has announced plans for a June 2nd “Tax Competition Conference” to be sponsored jointly by CF&P, the Heritage Foundation (also of Washington) … Read More

FATF Renews Mandate

May 14, 2004International Issues

**Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering** At its headquarters in Paris, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced today that its mandate has been renewed for a record 8-year … Read More

OECD Ministers Meet

May 14, 2004International Issues

A Ministerial Council Meeting of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development was held in Paris May 13-14. Ministers from members and non-member economies participated in the 2-day meeting, discussing … Read More

FATF Under Review

May 6, 2004International Issues

The Secretariat of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced in Paris today that Ministers and their representatives from FATF member countries will meet on Friday *”to discuss the future … Read More

New IMF Managing Director

May 5, 2004International Issues

**Rodrigo Rato** The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced yesterday that Rodrigo Rato has been selected as Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Board for a … Read More