College Graduates Work Experience Programme

November 26, 2009Business, The Economy

The Ministry of Finance has launched a [College Graduates Work Experience Programme]($FILE/jobinitiativeapplication2.pdf), designed to provide work experience and job training for up to 200 college graduates. The Hon. Zhivargo Laing, … Read More

National Budget: 2009/2010

May 27, 2009Industry News, The Economy

The Rt. Hon. H.A. Ingraham, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, presented the **2009/2010 Budget Communication** in Parliament today. He titled his presentation, **“The Global Crisis and The Bahamas”** – … Read More

Exuma Business Outlook 2008

October 17, 2008The Economy

**Hon. Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace Minister of Tourism** The Third Annual **Exuma Business Outlook** is scheduled for Thursday, October 23rd at the Four Seasons Hotel under the theme *“The Reality, The Vision, … Read More

Abaco Business Outlook 2008

September 4, 2008Business, The Economy

**The Counsellors Ltd.** have finalised plans for the **2008 Abaco Business Outlook**. The annual business seminar is scheduled for Thursday, September 25, at the New Vision Ministries Centre, Marsh Harbour, … Read More