Budget Presented to Parliament

May 26, 2010Business, The Economy

The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, presented the [2010-2011 Budget Communication](http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/bahamasweb2/home.nsf/vContentW/MOF–Budget+Data+Summary–2010-2011+Budget+Communication/$FILE/BUDGET%20COMMUNICATION%202010-11.pdf) in Parliament today. He noted that the Budget being presented seeks to position … Read More

Bahamas: Credit Worthy

May 21, 2010Business, The Economy

At the conclusion of the Caribbean Development Bank’s 40th annual general meeting held in Nassau this past week, CDB President Dr. Compton Bourne spoke to the credit worthiness of The … Read More

Grand Bahama Business Outlook

February 10, 2010Business, The Economy

Representatives from government and the private sector will share their insights, strategies, plans and projections for the leading sectors of the Grand Bahamian economy at the [Grand Bahama Business Outlook … Read More

Bahamas Business Outlook 2010

December 22, 2009Business, The Economy

The annual [Bahamas Business Outlook](http://www.tclevents.com) (BBO) Seminar will be held on January 14 at the Wyndham Nassau Resort. Theme: **2010-2020: A Decade For Action & Accountability.** Hosted by The Counsellors … Read More