May 2000 UK Tour

May 9, 2000BFSB News

Members of BFSB’s Executive Committee will be visiting London, Jersey, and Guernsey between May 21-26. While in London, meetings have been scheduled with Leopold Joseph, Rothschild, The Royal Bank of … Read More

Fall Promotional Tour

May 9, 2000BFSB News

BFSB has planned a 10-day promotional trip to 4 Latin American countries, starting November 5 and continuing through to November 14. The delegation will visit Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil.

BFSB Year End Report

February 15, 2000BFSB News

The year end report for 1999 is now available for visitors to download. The file is in Acrobat PDF format and can be downloaded using the link below.

Year 2000 Plan

February 15, 2000BFSB News

The BFSB Y2K plan is available for download as an Acrobat PDF file. Click the link below to download the document.