Professional Excellence Industry Awards

July 2, 2002BFSB News

**Financial Centre Focus Programme** The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB), in collaboration with local Professional Industry Associations, last year launched its “Financial Centre Focus” (FCF) programme. The FCF programme is … Read More

E-Business Offering Launched

June 30, 2002Members in the News

This week, Citibank’s Global Corporate & Investment Bank introduced its Cash Management Solutions products, which include the Speed Collect and Smart Account. The former affords easy reconciliation of deposits with … Read More

Government Code of Ethics

June 30, 2002BFSB News

The Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P. Prime Minister Commonwealth of The Bahamas This past Wednesday in the House of Assembly, Prime Minister Christie tabled a Code of Ethics for government … Read More

Anti-Money Laundering Regime

June 30, 2002Legal

Wendy C. Warren CEO & Executive Director Bahamas Financial Services Board **December 31, 2002 Deadline for KYC** The Government of The Bahamas, in response to requests from the nation’s financial … Read More


June 26, 2002Newsletter

As a response to September 11, the U.S. Congress passed the *”Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act”*. The legislation … Read More

Time To Move On

June 26, 2002Newsletter

The so-called “blacklisting” of various jurisdictions by the Financial Stability Forum, the Financial Action Task Force and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has forced financial service providers into … Read More

EU Savings Tax Directive

June 26, 2002Newsletter

The European Union first adopted a draft Directive on the taxation of savings back in June 2000, at a meeting of EU Finance Ministers. This was refined in November 2000, … Read More