Shaping The Offshore World

May 23, 2003Industry News

The latest developments in relation to the EU SAVINGS DIRECTIVE may have torpedoed the OECD’s programme for tax information exchange. So say Barry McCutcheon & Patrick C. Soares, organisers of … Read More

European Briefing Visits

May 22, 2003BFSB News

Michael L. Paton Chairman Bahamas Financial Services Board A BFSB team will travel to Vienna, Zurich, London, Geneva and Lugano for two weeks beginning this weekend to meet with European … Read More

Bahamas Open For Business

May 9, 2003Members in the News

**Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P. Prime Minister Commonwealth of The Bahamas** Earlier this week Prime Minister Christie presented remarks to a group of Chief Executive Officers visiting The Bahamas for … Read More

Quality Financial Services

May 8, 2003Industry News

**Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson, M.P. Minister of Financial Services and Investments** Minister Maynard-Gibson opened the 2003 Bahamas Institute of Financial Services Week, on Monday, presenting a review of her Ministry’s Strategic … Read More

State Of The Economy

April 29, 2003The Economy

Hon. James H. Smith Minister of State for Finance Presenting a “State of the Economy” Address tonight, Minister Smith pointed out that any meaningful examination of The Bahamas economy must … Read More