Alternative Investment Conference

June 5, 2003Asset Management

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) and the Bahamas Fund Association (BFA) will participate in *Forum 2003*, the upcoming conference and exposition for professionals in the alternative investment industry. Sponsored … Read More

National Budget 2003/2004

May 30, 2003The Economy

**Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance** Prime Minister Christie, in his capacity as Minister of Finance, has presented the 2003/2004 Budget to the House of … Read More

Investor Confidence Remains Strong

May 27, 2003The Economy

Yesterday, The Bahamas Government signed a “Heads of Agreement” with Kerzner International, putting in motion the $600 million Phase III of the Atlantis, Paradise Island resort development project. Once completed, … Read More