Seasons Greetings

January 1, 2004BFSB News

**Greetings from the Bahamas Financial Services Board** May the New Year bring prosperity and joy!

BISX Attracts Funds Listings

December 29, 2003BISX

**Four Funds with $90 million in net assets listed on BISX** The *Emerging Value Opportunities Fund Ltd.*, the *Gazinvest Fund Ltd.*, the *Ukraine Value Opportunities Fund Ltd.* and the *Post … Read More

New Investment Funds Legislation

December 18, 2003Asset Management

**Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson, M.P. Minister of Financial Services and Investments** Enhancing the present regulatory framework, providing for greater market efficiency, transparency and investor protection, the ***Investment Funds Act 2003*** came … Read More