Kerzner Shares Available Locally

June 17, 2004The Economy

Kerzner International has made available a million ordinary shares to the local Bahamian market through the issue of ten million Bahamian Depository Receipts (BDRs) – representing a total issue amount … Read More

Online Registry Services

June 14, 2004Industry News

**Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson, M.P. Minister of Financial Services and Investments** **Registered Agent Training** Minister Maynard-Gibson presented opening remarks this morning at the start of a four-day programme designed to train … Read More

BACO Embracing The Cutting Edge

June 11, 2004Industry News

The Bahamas Association of Compliance Officers is hosting the 2nd annual Northern Bahamas Conference on “AML Efforts Offshore – What Every Compliance Professional Should Know”. The June 17th event is … Read More