New Bahamas Government

May 14, 2007The Economy

**The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham Prime Minister** The Rt. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham read the Oath of Office and was sworn in as Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of … Read More

Bahamas Outlook: Positive

January 10, 2007Business, The Economy

**The Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie Prime Minister of The Bahamas** Prime Minister Perry Christie was the keynote speaker at the 2007 Bahamas Business Outlook yesterday, and addressed the theme … Read More

Sovereign Credit Rating

December 21, 2006The Economy

Moody’s Investor Services has issued its latest Credit Opinion on The Bahamas, noting that notwithstanding a fall in the first 10 months of 2006, official foreign exchange reserves remain ample … Read More

Economic Growth Sustained

June 5, 2006The Economy

**Prime Minister Perry Christie** When presenting the Budget Communication to Parliament last week, the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie took the opportunity to report on his Administration’s economic programme, the success … Read More

Integrated National Relief Policy

March 7, 2006The Economy

**Carl Smith NEMA Coordinator** **Disaster Preparedness** The Bahamas is in the process of developing an integrated institutional framework to support the country’s National Relief Management Policy in the aftermath of … Read More

Grand Bahama Business Outlook

February 20, 2006The Economy

The 8th Grand Bahama Business Outlook has been confirmed for March 7th, to be held at the Convention Centre, Our Lucaya Resort. Organisers, The Counsellors Ltd., say that the annual … Read More