Economic Overview

May 30, 2008The Economy

**Budget Communication** estimates for economic growth indicate that the rate moderated during 2007 in line with global trends, as the slowed rate of expansion in consumer spending and construction activity … Read More

2008-2009 Budget Communication

May 28, 2008The Economy

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, presented the **2008/2009 Budget Communication** to the House of Assembly today. Noting the global economic uncertainty which has given … Read More

The U.S. Economy and The Bahamas

February 22, 2008The Economy

**US Ambassador Ned L. Siegel** Apparently prompted by troubling headlines concerning slowing growth and rising unemployment in the United States, U.S. Ambassador Siegel has issued a media statement about the … Read More

Bahamas Business Outlook 2008

December 5, 2007Business, The Economy

The Counsellors Ltd. announces that the Minister of State for Finance, the Hon. Zhivargo Laing, will be the keynote presenter at January’s **Bahamas Business Outlook**. Under the theme, *Improving Competitiveness … Read More

Abaco: Growth by Design

September 11, 2007The Economy

The 4th annual **Abaco Business Outlook** will be held in Marsh Harbour on September 20 under the theme **“Growth by Design”**. Keynote speaker will be Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Brent … Read More

Bahamas GDP Expands

August 16, 2007The Economy

The Department of Statistics has released the annual National Accounts Report revealing that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by an estimated 4.2 per cent in current prices and 3.4 … Read More