New Year’s Address: Office of the Prime Minister

January 25, 2012The Economy

The Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham. Prime Minister of The Bahamas, presented his annual “[New Year’s Address](” to the nation tonight. Under the theme *“Investing in the Bahamian People”,* the … Read More

21st Annual Bahamas Business Outlook

December 20, 2011The Economy

The agenda for the 21st Annual [Bahamas Business Outlook]( (BBO), with the theme “Vision Beyond Sight: How Ready is The Bahamas to do 21st Century Business?” has been announced. The … Read More

IMF Article IV Consultation

August 2, 2011International Issues, The Economy

The External Relations Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today released a [statement]( concerning its 2011 Article IV consultation with The Bahamas. An IMF team had visited The Bahamas … Read More

Independence Message

July 9, 2011The Economy

Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham addressed the Citizens of The Bahamas on the occasion of the 38th Anniversary of Bahamas Independence. *Fellow citizens of the Commonwealth of … Read More

Central Bank Reduces Discount Rate

June 8, 2011The Economy

On Monday, The[ Central Bank of The Bahamas]( announced its decision to reduce the Discount Rate by 75 basis points to 4.50 percent, effective immediately. The Regulator noted that it … Read More

National Budget Communication

May 26, 2011The Economy

Presenting the 2011/2012 National Budget [Communication]($FILE/BUDGET%20COMMUNICATION%202011-12.pdf) to Parliament yesterday, Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. H.A. Ingraham pointed to the fact that by such mechanisms governments translate their vision of the … Read More