FSF to Meet in Paris

August 29, 2006International Issues

The Financial Stability Forum (FSF) meets next week *to assess potential risks and vulnerabilities in the international financial system and initiatives to address them.”* At this 16th meeting on September … Read More

Strengthening AML/CFT defences

July 2, 2006International Issues

***”The Treasury Department recognizes the importance of the longstanding ties between the U.S. and Latin American financial sectors.”*** Pat O’Brien, Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing This past week the … Read More

ITPA Meets in Lausanne

June 20, 2006International Issues

The **International Tax Planning Association** (ITPA) has released a summary of various presentations from its latest meeting, held in Lausanne June 18-20. These include: • The Role of Switzerland in … Read More

ICT Alliance Launched

June 20, 2006International Issues

The United Nations Deputy Secretary-General yesterday launched the ***Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Development***. *”The Alliance provides the platform and network of international experiences in which … Read More

Global Alliance for ICT

June 17, 2006International Issues

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has announed that the inaugural meeting of the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development will take place next … Read More

AML/CFT Regimes

June 5, 2006International Issues

**Daniel Glaser Deputy Assistant Secretary US Treasury** ***”…healthy financial sectors, effectively protected from abuse, bring increased investment and business”*** The Financial Crime Forum Asia Pacific is being held this week … Read More

Enhancing Surveillance

May 21, 2006International Issues

Presenting remarks at the recent 55th Plenary Meeting of the Group of Thirty in Mexico City, Agustín Carstens, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, took the opportunity to … Read More