2007 Industry Excellence Awards

October 15, 2007BFSB News

The Nominations Committee for this year’s Financial Services Industry Excellence Awards has submitted its slate of approved nominees to the 2007 Blue Ribbon Panel. BFSB congratulates the well deserving individuals … Read More

TGIF Golf Tournament

September 20, 2007BFSB News

Don’t miss this terrific opportunity to participate in the first ever **BFSB TGIF Golf Tournament and Members Happy Hour.** The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) is hosting a Golf Tournament … Read More

Industry Excellence Awards 2007

September 6, 2007BFSB News

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) has announced the **2007 Financial Services Industry Excellence Awards** programme. CEO Wendy Warren says, *“Now in its 7th year, the Awards Programme recognises our … Read More

Strengthening Competitiveness

June 20, 2007BFSB News

**Carlos M. Gutierrez US Secretary of Commerce** Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez addressed Caribbean leaders in Washington yesterday, on the occasion of the **Conference on the Caribbean: 20/20 Vision**. He … Read More

Real Time Market Data

May 17, 2007BFSB News

QuoteMedia, a leading provider of financial stock market data, today announced a strategic partnership with Bahamas-based **International Private Banking Systems (IPBS)**, the specialist provider of wealth management software for the … Read More

Bahamas General Elections

May 4, 2007BFSB News

Bahamians went to the polls on May 2nd to elect a new government for the next five years and, in their proud tradition, they registered and voted in overwhelming numbers. … Read More