New Financial Architecture

October 16, 2000Industry News

NEW WORLD ORDER – Bahamas Financial Intelligence Unit Part of Compliance Efforts On his return from a month-long trip to Europe, Prime Minister H. Ingraham reported that the Government delegation … Read More


October 10, 2000E-Business & ICT

As The Bahamas Government moves closer to presenting e-commerce legislation to Parliament, the Ministry of Finance’s legal advisor is stressing the importance of monitoring international trends on e-commerce regulations. Electronic … Read More


October 8, 2000BFSB News

Photo Caption – BFSB Directors (left to right): Gregory Cleare, Vice-Chairman, Paul Moss, Geoffrey Hooper, Pamela Klonaris, John Delaney, and Barry J. Malcolm, BFSB’s Executive Director. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING BAHAMAS … Read More