The Bahamas Financial Services Board attended the annual Risk Management Society (RIMS) conference under the theme “Go Big or Go Home” in San Antonio, Texas on April 16th-19th. The RIMS annual conference and exhibition is the premier event for the risk management and insurance community. There were over ten thousand delegates from around the world and the conference program included several key note speakers and over one hundred and thirty hours of educational sessions with topics including Communicating the Value of Risk Management, Reputation Risk in the Cyber Age and The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Risk Professionals.
The Bahamas Financial Services Board was among the marketplace of hundreds of exhibitors, representing the Bahamas’ commitment, as a captive domicile, to strengthening its presence in the marketplace and captivating new potential clients from the risk management and insurance target audience. Representatives of the Insurance Commission were also in attendance. The Bahamas is continuing to nurture captive insurance as an important addition to its growing array of financial services. An established and progressive jurisdiction such as the Bahamas offers many competitive advantages as a domicile of choice for captive insurance. As such, there are a growing number of different type of captives now operating in the Bahamas.
BFSB continues to invest in ensuring that there is a greater awareness of The Bahamas as an international financial center committed to international best practices.