During the 5th Caribbean Forum in Trinidad and Tobago today, Caribbean Prime Ministers, Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors joined representatives from the private sector and international organizations to discuss how countries in the region can respond to a complex international economic outlook that involves lower commodity prices, a softer than expected recovery in the United States, Cuba’s opening on the region, and the threat of losing financial relations with global banks.
Co-organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, the conference was held under the theme Shifting Tides: Challenges and Opportunities.
The panels covered:
* Growth, competitiveness and oil prices
* Spillovers from Cuba
* How to address de-risking?
Tao Zhang, IMF Deputy Managing Director, presented welcome remarks. He indicated that whatever new challenges arise, the IMF will work together with the Caribbean Region to find solutions. *”The IMF is deeply committed to its work with the Caribbean countries. We are committed to supporting policy reforms, and reconstruction efforts. Tides may shift, seas may rise, but the Fund’s unwavering commitment to the region will remain unchanged. Our work continues in the Caribbean by providing policy advice, technical assistance and training, and by providing financing.”*
[IMF Release](http://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2016/11/02/PR16481-Caribbean-leaders-IMF-Discuss-Challenges-Opportunities-of-Shifting-Global-Economic-Outlook)
[Tao Zhang Remarks](http://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2016/11/02/sp110216-Global-and-Regional-Challenges-to-Caribbean-Economic-Development)