The Cook Islands have signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. The Convention, signed today, together with the [Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information]( which the Cook Islands signed in October 2015, will enable the jurisdiction to fulfil its commitment to begin the first of such exchanges by 2018.

The [Convention]( is the most powerful instrument for international tax cooperation. It provides for all forms of administrative assistance in tax matters: exchange of information on request, spontaneous exchange, automatic exchange, tax examinations abroad, simultaneous tax examinations and assistance in tax collection. It guarantees extensive safeguards for the protection of taxpayers’ rights.

[OECD Release](

##New Brochure on OECD Work on Taxation##

The OECD also has released a new publication that highlights the key areas of work of its Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the various groups that it serves.
