Open-ended Investment Fund Emerging Energy Services Fund Ltd has completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and has been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange.

[The Winterbotham Trust Company Limited]( served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought this Fund to the Exchange, and has been appointed as the Administrator for the fund. Emerging Energy Management Ltd. acts in the capacity of Investment Manager. BISX Chief Executive Officer Keith Davies says, *“Winterbotham continues to bring new funds to the Exchange for their clients, and we are pleased that our mutual fund listing facility is a service that assists them with their business development activities.* He continued, *”We are also encouraged by the growth of our facility, at December 31, 2013, our assets under management for all funds listed on the Exchange stood at approximately $550 million. At December 31, 2014, the assets under management for our listed mutual funds stood at $2.2. billion. This marks the first time that our fund’s assets under management has gone over the billion dollar amount.”*

Emerging Energy Services Fund Ltd Fund is incorporated as an International Business Company under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and is licensed as a Smart Fund Model 002 SFM 002 under the Investment Funds Act.

In speaking of the Listing, Ivan Hopper, Chief Executive Officer of The Winterbotham Trust Company
Limited stated, *“We are pleased to have sponsored the listing of Emerging Energy Services Fund, a
fund which targets investments in energy services companies with particular focus in Latin-America.
We are certain of further fund listings in the next couple of months; our Company is the largest fund
Administrator by number of funds in The Bahamas, and we to continue see growth in our Fund
Services division and will continue sponsoring funds to list on the Exchange as this is a key enhancer to our offering and our ability to attract funds to The Bahamas.”*