Tia Thompson, a Grade 12 student at St. Augustine’s College took first place in the [Speech Competition](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/news.php?cmd=view&id=3219&pre=y) sponsored by BFSB and other Stakeholders as part of National Career Awareness Month.
A [Presentations Ceremony](https://bfsb-bahamas.com/download/042711300.pdf) was hosted this morning at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort, immediately following the competition.
Speech Competition Finalists were Templeton Sawyer; Anatol Rodgers; Kimberley Rodgers, C.R. Walker; Allaya Hagigal, Kingsway Academy; Tonique Brown, Nassau Christian Academy; Kwayne Rolle, Queen’s College; Alyssa Iferenta, St. Andrew’s School; Alexya Collie, St. Anne’s School; Randeika Foulkes, St. John’s; and Lonelle Sweeting, Temple Christian.
*Photo Caption: Speech Competition Winner. Pictured left to right are Tanya Woodside, Rotary Sunrise; Ross Smith, Deputy Director, Ministry of Education; Evana Dean, BBSL; Tia Thompson, SAC; Everton Henry, SAC; Aliya Allen, BFSB’s CEO & Executive Director; Shana-Raquel Edgecombe, BCCEC; and Dexter Fernander, Ministry of Finance.*