His Excellency Sir Arthur Foulkes, Governor-General of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas delivered the Speech from The Throne on the occasion of the Opening of Parliament today.
New Governments traditionally use this occasion to lay out their plans for the new Parliament and their administration. Sir Arthur said the Government’s ambitious and extensive agenda in this connection had two overriding imperatives:
• Firstly, the need to reduce violence and crime and build a safer Bahamas.
• Secondly, the need to build a stronger economy that generates jobs, deepens and broadens Bahamian ownership and produces a higher standard of living for all Bahamians.
Referencing the Vision 2030 “[Charter for Governance](http://myplp.org/issues/charter/)” released pre-Elections, the Government affirmed that it will move resolutely to implement the full range of programmes, legislative proposals and policy initiatives promised.
The Speech concluded with expressions of “belief” in Bahamians and in their capacity and determination to overcome all the many challenges ahead. *“Armed with a common purpose and united in patriotism and love for one another, we shall indeed overcome, and achieve for our nation the greatness that is its destiny,”* said the Governor-General.
The Government has released its Allocation of [Ministerial Portfolios](http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/wcm/connect/fa9bb13f-e56e-4c24-8ab3-9e702b568a08/Allocation+of+Portfolios+-+May+14+2012.pdf?MOD=AJPERES).