Furthering their efforts to fight against international tax evasion and bank secrecy, members of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes have issued 9 new peer review reports.
The reports on Hungary, the Philippines, Singapore and Switzerland focus on the legal framework for transparency and exchange of tax information. Those for the Isle of Man, Italy, France, New Zealand and the United States so also cover the exchange of information in practice.
The reports describe each jurisdiction’s rules for ensuring that information is available, how it can be accessed by competent authorities and the mechanisms in place to exchange the information with foreign tax authorities. They also identify deficiencies and make recommendations on how these jurisdictions can improve their co-operation in international tax matters.
The most common deficiencies identified in the reports relate to: the lack of available information on persons that are represented by nominees and on foreign companies; incomplete accounting information for some forms of limited liability companies and partnerships; slow responses by requested countries.
See [release](http://www.oecd.org/document/18/0,3746,en_2649_201185_48099730_1_1_1_1,00.html) issued by the OECD today, which gives an “at a glance” synopsis of the new reports, with links to the full Reports and a synopsis of actions taken by some jurisdictions previously reviewed.