The [Global Forum on Transparency and Information Exchange for Tax Purposes](,3407,en_21571361_43854757_1_1_1_1_1,00.html) is meeting in Bermuda to advance the implementation and peer review process for a transparent tax environment. *What progress has been made in the fight against international tax evasion? Are countries living up to their commitments to transparency and an effective exchange of information on potential tax dodgers? How to engage developing countries?* These are some of the questions to be discussed at the Third Global Forum on 31 May-1 June 2011.
The Hon. Paula A. Cox, Premier, notes that Bermuda is pleased to host the third meeting of the Global Forum and announced the development of a special [website]( for all the “*practical information surrounding the meeting.”*
Mike Rawstron, Chair of the Global Forum, says since the restructuring at its meeting in Mexico in 2009 and the 2010 successful Global Forum meeting in Singapore, the Forum has made a lot of progress. *“At the Bermuda meeting we will be endorsing and publishing the third group of peer review reports. We will also be welcoming new members to join us in this work. We will find ways to use our collective expertise and to assist developing countries.”*
Leading up to the Bermuda meeting, the Global Forum includes 97 members which have all committed to implementing the standard.