The [IFC Forum]( was formally launched in London on December 1, with a formal discussion between key organisations and individuals who are recognised as thought leaders in the field of international finance.

A release from the IFC says it was established to provide authoritative and balanced information to contribute to the public conversation on the role of IFCs in the global economy.

Richard Hay of Stikeman Elliott (Advisor to the IFC Forum) said *”Current economic orthodoxy confirms that tax neutral platforms play an essential and constructive role in the world economy. The IFC Forum’sobjective is to contribute to global policy through identifying existing empirical evidence, commissioning reasoned research and addressing common misconceptions about IFCs.”*

The Forum has launched a website with a **“Key Issues”** section and **“Knowledge Centre”** as a publicly available resource. It will be constantly adding policy papers to these sections, and also will publish a monthly newsletter, available online.

*Editors Note: Wendy C. Warren, CEO & Executive Director of the Bahamas Financial Services Board, participated in the Forum’s launch in London, by special invitation of the founders – a group of international law firms.*