The [Bahamas International Maritime Conference and Trade Show ]( will be held in Freeport, Grand Bahama on February 9-12, 2010. Theme for the 2010 event will be *“The Maritime Sector and The Environment”*.
The Ministry of The Environment, along with public and private sector partners, will host the conference with the objective of highlighting the importance of integrating sustainable maritime policy development with technological advances to offset environmental degradation.
The annual conference promises to be a major communication event among maritime partners, and the Freeport partners look forward once again to embracing the prospect of showcasing its opportunities.
BIMCATS will be attended by members of the International Maritime Organisation, Maritime Administrations, in particular the Bahamas Maritime Authority, the Bahamas Ship-owners Association, Classification Societies, environmentalists and other stakeholders in the maritime industry.
The Bahamas Financial Services Board has come on board as a [sponsor]( the event again this year.