The Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX) announced today that the Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited, Class N, TIGRS, Series 2 Sub Fund (“the TIGRS 2 Sub Fund”) completed the BISX Mutual Fund Listing Process and has now been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange. The TIGRS 2 Sub Fund is a closed end sub-fund of the Royal Fidelity International Investment Fund Limited.

The TIGRS 2 Sub Fund is the third offering of international investment products to Bahamians by Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank and Trust Limited. The TIGRS 2 shares offer 100% Principal Protection and 100% participation in any appreciation of a basket of International Indices over the 5 year term ending June 30, 2014. This basket of International Indices includes a 25% participation in each of the following:

* The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Emerging Markets)
* The Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index (Europe)
* The S&P 500 Index (U.S.A.)
* Nikkei-225 (Japan)

[Royal Fidelity ]( able to offer these international investment products to Bahamians as a result of the Central Bank of The Bahamas’ Exchange Control Liberalization Program (the Liberalization Program) which allows BISX Licensed Broker-Dealers to access US$ currency for the specific purpose of creating Bahamian based investment products for local investors. The Liberalization Program which began with the creation of international funds by Royal Fidelity and CFAL in December 2007, currently counts 5 funds listed on the Exchange that offer international investment products to Bahamians.

BISX Chief Executive Officer; Keith Davies commented on the listing of the TIGRS 2 Sub Fund: *“It is a testament to the ingenuity of Royal Fidelity that they have been able to develop this mutual fund product and launch it successfully in these trying times. I’m happy that we have been able to add the TIGRS 2 Sub Fund to the roster of BISX listed mutual funds. I recognize the challenges that the entire market has had to face from an investments standpoint, and so we are encouraged by this new offering that has added an element of choice to the market. We will continue to work with and support our Members as they work very hard to broaden and deepen the Bahamian capital market with new listings on the Exchange.”*

Royal Fidelity Capital Markets Limited served as the BISX Sponsor Member that brought the TIGRS 2 Sub Fund to the Exchange. Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank and Trust Limited serves as the Investment Manager and Administrator.