The Ministry of Finance has launched a [College Graduates Work Experience Programme]($FILE/jobinitiativeapplication2.pdf), designed to provide work experience and job training for up to 200 college graduates. The Hon. Zhivargo Laing, Minister of State for Finance, says this initiative will also provide the graduates with an opportunity to assist in the advancement of a number of important Government projects. Scheduled to begin on December 14, the programme is open to unemployed college graduates in New Providence and the Family Islands, and each student will be paid a minimum of $210 per week for six months. This programme will involve both the public and private sectors.
The public sector component will comprise a number of agencies that fall within the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance, including:
* The Business License/Valuation Unit
* The Information Technology
* The Department of Public Service
* The Treasury
Minister Laing said the projects to be undertaken by these agencies *“will result in much better collation of information and much easier access to critical information for better management and decision-making within the pubic sector.”*
The Ministry of Finance is partnering with the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce for the private sector component. The Chamber will assist with identifying various work places for participants to gain work experience related to their field of study. *“These businesses will include small and medium-size enterprises that can benefit from the participation of such persons in their workplace and which will offer meaningful work experience to participants”*, said Mr. Laing.