Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, presented remarks to the G20 Leaders during their Pittsburgh Conference, with specific focus on transparency and international cooperation in tax matters.
He said since the London G20 summit, there has been unprecedented action to implement the OECD initiated and now globally endorsed standards. *“Since April over 90 tax information exchange agreements have been signed and over 60 tax treaties negotiated or renegotiated to incorporate the standards.”* He also noted that all major on and offshore centres have now endorsed the standards and those which had impediments to implementing them are in the process of removing them.
The Secretary General also referred to the updated [Progress Report]( first provided on 2nd April, pointing out that it has been updated on an almost daily basis to reflect these ongoing developments. *“But the work is far from finished. There are still some jurisdictions that committed long ago to implement the standards but have not delivered. We must also ensure that an effective network of agreements is in place to deter, detect and pursue tax evaders.”*
**Moving forward on the London Summit mandates**
Mr. Gurría said the international community has called for a strengthening of the Global Forum, the development of a robust peer review process, the speeding up of the negotiation process and an engagement with developing countries. When the Global Forum met in Mexico on 1-2 September it responded to this call for action by:
* Expanding its membership and putting in place a transparent governance and financing structure with 10 of the 15 members of the Steering Group from G20 countries;
* Establishing a two-phase peer review process which will be universal and transparent;
* Endorsing a proposal for a multilateral Tax Information Exchange Agreement and encouraging the OECD to advance quickly in updating and opening up the joint OECD/Council of Europe Multilateral Convention for Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, all of which will help speed up the negotiating process; and
* Noting that the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee and Centre for Tax Policy and Administration had initiated work to build up capacity in tax administrations in developing countries so that they can benefit from this new open environment.
He said these decisions translate the G20 political support into actions which will have far reaching consequences for tax compliance around the world.
**The need to move forward rapidly**
The OECD’s priority for the next six months will be to advance quickly on the peer reviews and the monitoring of agreements. This will begin on 14 October when the Peer Review Group created in Mexico will have its first meeting. It is anticiapted that “first results” will be available early in 2010.
Work on countermeasures will continue and in January 2010 the OECD will host a high level meeting between tax and aid officials to identify the ways that developing countries can benefit from the more transparent environment, including the use of multilateral instruments.
Status reports in each of these areas reportedly will be made available to G20 Finance Ministers when they meet next.