[Citco Fund Services](http://www.citco.com/Divisions_Fund_Services.jsp), the world’s leading provider of hedge fund administration services, is the number 1 rated administrator overall in Global Custodian’s 2009 HFA survey – having been awarded first place across the majority of designated categories.
The geographical origin of respondents included North America (64.7%); Europe (23.5%); and Asia (7.6%), with assets under management in hedge funds ranging from $100 million to $1 billion plus.
The Citco Fund Services companies have over 35 years experience in the provision of administration and other services to their hedge fund clients, many of whom are leading names in the industry. They offer a full range of fund administration services from 16 strategic centers globally. This international presence reflects the group’s philosophy to provide support wherever its clients are located, ensuring specific client needs are met in a timely basis.
Citco Fund Services draws upon a global team of more than 3,000 experienced, knowledgeable and highly trained staff to ensure that each fund is supported appropriately and service quality standards are not only met, but consistently exceeded. Citco Fund Services companies have consistently been ranked “Best in Class” and “Top-Rated” across all locations in recognized industry surveys of hedge fund administrators for both single manager funds and funds of hedge funds.
The Global Custodian says the 2009 Survey took place in the middle of the most tumultuous period the industry has undergone since the survey was first conducted in 1995. *“The rescue of Bear Stearns, followed by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, not only made it immensely difficult for hedge fund managers to access financing, but also obliged them to respond to investor concerns about counter-party credit risk and the safety of assets in custody with prime brokers.”*
Global Custodian says that it is not surprising, therefore, that one of the key findings of the 2009 survey is the increased pressure on hedge fund administrators to deliver more and more up to date information about positions, portfolios and performance. Nor is it surprising that hedge fund managers are looking to their administrators to help them manage the challenge of operating with multiple prime brokers and third party custodians, by extending their services into the middle office.