The OECD today released an updated [“Progress Report”]( on the Jurisdictions assessed by its Global Forum announcing that all jurisdictions surveyed have now committed to the internationally agreed tax standard. It is an updated report from that first issued on April 2nd, and subsequently revised on June 8th.

The internationally agreed tax standard was developed by the OECD in co-operation with non-OECD countries and was endorsed by G20 Finance Ministers at their Berlin Meeting in 2004 and by the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters at its October 2008 Meeting. It requires exchange of information on request in all tax matters for the administration and enforcement of domestic tax law without regard to a domestic tax interest requirement or bank secrecy for tax purposes. It also provides for extensive safeguards to protect the confidentiality of the information exchanged.

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría addressed a conference organised by the French and German governments in Berlin earlier this week. At that time he welcomed the progress made in implementing international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.