The **Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX)** has announced that the **RP Hedge Fund Limited (RP Hedge Fund)** has been added to the roster of funds listed on the Exchange. The open-ended, investment company is managed by RP Capital Management Ltd.
Keith Davies, CEO of the Exchange, says this listing of the RP Hedge Fund Limited adds yet another international fund listing and continues the expansion of BISX’s Mutual Fund Listing Facility. *”We wish to welcome the RP Hedge Fund Limited to our family of listed issuers. We see this and the other listings we have been able to process this year as positive incremental steps in the development of our market and, from my vantage point, it’s also a pretty good way to start the second quarter of 2008.”*
RP Hedge Fund is the ninth fund listed since December 2007, and the second fund brought to BISX by Credit Suisse, Nassau Branch – a BISX licensed Sponsor Member. Michael Ranson says, *”Credit Suisse, Nassau Branch is pleased to continue to support BISX as a Sponsor Member and we value our close working relationship with BISX in connection with our sponsorship and related listing activities.”* Credit Suisse, Nassau Branch also serves as the Administrator of The RP Hedge Fund.
Mr. Davies welcomes the positive market response to BISX’s efforts in the mutual fund industry, and notes that the Exchange is satisfied that its plans are creating value added solutions for the entire industry.