CEO Keith Davies revealed the listing of the 5.24 million euros **European Investments Management Fund** on the **Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX)** today. The fund was sponsored by KPMG Corporate Finance – a BISX Sponsor Member – and the local fund administrator is Butterfield Funds Services (Bahamas) Ltd.
Simon Townend, head of KPMG Corporate Finance, says the new listing hopefully will provide some momentum to the fund listings tier operated by BISX, noting the work ahead in building the network of international players that would be attracted to a Bahamas listing.
Mr. Davies confirms that BISX intends to focus more aggressively on its funds listing facility in the coming year, recognising it as a significant player in its future development.
Européenne de Gestion Privée (Suisse) is the investment manager for the newly listed fund, and CEO Davies is hopeful that they will look to do more with BISX going forward. Directors of the Fund were reported to have been “extremely pleased” with the listing, acknowledging the synergy given in The Bahamas by its “high regulatory standards and the transparency of the processes of authorisation, regulation and listing.”