This premier Forum for Trusts, now in its 8th year, is being held in Bermuda at the Fairmont Southampton, April 10-12.
The theme *New Markets, New Challenges and New Opportunities* covers a variety of global initiatives affecting the trust and wealth management professional of today. Included, for example, are the burgeoning markets of Asia and India, the impact of the digital age in trust management, the latest tax initiatives, expert trust drafting, and laws and regulations governing the use of offshore products and structures.
The Caribbean Conference programme is developed by a Steering Committee consisting of STEP Caribbean Conference Chairpersons from The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Barbados, Bermuda, Panama and Miami branches.
The conference promises to provide STEP members and their guests with a quality program of guest lecturers, workshops, panel discussions and keynote speakers. Primarily concerned with presenting topics that are of interest to all jurisdictions in the Caribbean, the conference will also examine macro issues facing STEP professionals worldwide with speakers coming from the US, UK and Europe. Visit the conference web site for details on sessions, speakers, and registration information.