The Association of International Banks and Trust Companies in The Bahamas (AIBT) has announced Founding Sponsorship of **The Nassau Conference**, which takes place February 7 and 8, 2005.
The Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson, M.P., Minister of Financial Services and Investments, says **The Nassau Conference **demonstrates the banking industry’s commitment to the long term health of the country’s financial services sector. *"Banks and trust companies are significant contributors to our nation’s economy, especially in terms of creating management and highly skilled employment opportunities for Bahamians."*
She continues, **"The Nassau Conference** *recognises that professional development is a joint responsibility of both the private and public sectors. On behalf of the Government, I would like to thank and commend AIBT and other sponsors for creating and supporting such an important event."*
**The Nassau Conference** will run over two half day periods – Monday afternoon February 7 and Tuesday morning February 8, 2005 – and will feature a broad range of topical presentations by dynamic international and local speakers.
Speakers and their topics include:
* Mark Bridges, Farrer & Co. Industry: **Ethics**
* Richard Hay, Stikeman Elliott LLP: **Tax**
* Katie Booth, Rothschild Trust Corporation: **Client Lifecycles**
* Philip Marcovici, Baker & McKenzie: **Jurisdiction Models**
* Barry Rider, Beachcroft Wansbroughs: **Risk Management**
* Jeffrey A. Everett, Templeton Global Advisors: **Investment Strategies**
* Robert C. Lawrence III, Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP: **Client Structures**
* Michael D. Foot, The Central Bank of The Bahamas: **Regulation**
* Sean McWeeney, Graham, Thompson & Co: **Conference Wrap-up**
Conference and registration information is available on-line. (See link below)
Sponsors include:
* Presenting: The Central Bank of The Bahamas
* Platinum: Pictet Bank & Trust Ltd.
* Silver:
* The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company (Bahamas) Limited
* Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Private Bank & Trust Limited
* The Private Trust Corporation Limited * Butterfield Bank (Bahamas) Limited
* Higgs & Johnson
* Lynx Wealth Management Systems
* Association: Bahamas Financial Services Board
Registration fee for participating association members is $700; for non-members the fee is $950.