The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) and the Bahamas Fund Association (BFA) will participate in *Forum 2003*, the upcoming conference and exposition for professionals in the alternative investment industry. Sponsored by the Managed Funds Association (MFA), *Forum 2003* will feature an extensive educational program, special networking opportunities, and an informative exhibition of products and services of interest to industry professionals.
The 3-day event will be held at The Fairmont Chicago, June 16-18. BFSB and BFA will host a “Bahamas” booth, and are co-ordinating “Special Briefing Visits” in Chicago immediately after the conference programme.
Managed Funds Association is the only U.S.-based association representing professionals in the global alternative investment industry. With roughly 600 members worldwide, MFA represents professionals in futures, hedge funds and other alternative investments, as well as brokers, exchanges, and all the other services which support the industry. A unified voice for the industry since it was founded in 1991, MFA promotes a beneficial regulatory environment and the growth of the alternative investment industry, improved public relations, and increased member and investor knowledge.
*Forum 2003* is specifically designed to attract the industry’s most prominent professionals. It is expected to attract an audience of some 550 delegates.
The Bahamas team will utilise *Forum 2003* and the Briefing Visits to promote the relative ease of establishing funds in this jurisdiction. Existing corporate legislation and the new Investment Funds Act/Regulations provide flexibility for simple establishment. Both areas of legislation are geared towards capital market development but retain a judicious mix of regulatory oversight to ensure that all parties are identified and deemed fit and proper to operate.
With a long history of positive contribution to the industry’s development, the sector’s professional bodies provide The Bahamas Government with a window to the international financial services industry — to better identify and respond to change.
The Bahamas Fund Association represents the needs of the growing fund industry to both the Securities Commission and the Government. Its work is augmented by over 10 other professional industry associations, whose objectives principally include the representation of their members and professional development.