The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released the third issue of the Global Financial Stability Report, a quarterly publication launched in March 2002 to provide a regular assessment of global financial markets and to identify potential systemic weaknesses that could lead to crises.
The IMF says that by calling attention to potential fault lines in the global financial system, the report seeks to play a role in preventing crises before they erupt, thereby contributing to global financial stability and to the prosperity of the IMF’s member countries.
In addition to an overview on key developments and sources of financial market risks (see pdf link below), the GRSR provides chapters on Developments and Sources of Risk in the Major Financial Centres; Emerging Market Developments and Financing; Emerging Local Bond Markets. Other sections deal with subjects such as Governance and Accounting Issues, Equity Markets, Emerging Market Contagion, Financial Market Data, Global Capital Inflows and Outflows
Visit the IMF’s web site to download the full report.