##Public Alert##
The companies listed below are not licensed to conduct banking and/or trust business in or from within The Bahamas
* **Alpha Credit Union,
51 Frederick Street,
P.O. Box CB 12287,
Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas
* Crubank Corporation,
Beaumont House,
Bay Street,
P.O. Box SS 6236,
Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas
* Pinnacle Investment Bankers,
421 The Plaza,
Mackey Street,
P.O. Box SS 18002,
Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas**
The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues Warning Notices as a means of alerting the financial services sector and the general public that named individuals or companies may be operating in breach of the Banks and Trust Companies Regulations Act and/or other laws of The Bahamas.
A notice from the Inspector of Banks and Trust Companies currently appears on the CBB’s web site, advising that *”members of the public who transact business with these persons*[named above]* do so at their own risk.”* The notice further asks the public to contact the Central Bank of the Bahamas with any other available information.